Saturday, December 17, 2005

Remember all of our young men and women in Iraq who are serving our country! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Alarming Thoughts

When I saw this e-mailed photo, I could only think that those "dawgs" were just like our family dog, Wilson. The only thing about Wilson is that he would never sound out an alarm for anything. Well, he does hate the cold, the heat, the rain, the humidity, the name it! So, maybe he would sound out an alarm over any of those weather features.

What sounds the alarm in your life? Is it just the smoke alarm when things get a bit smoky? Is it the burglar alarm when someone breaks into your home? Is it when your kids get into trouble...trouble that you've been denying over and over again? Is it when the doctor tells you that all those physical problems mean something serious? Alarms can be good if they get us back on track with stuff in our lives that we've not been wanting to deal with. They can also signal that all of your options are now least, in the natural.
In the Light and Truth of God's Word, and through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we still have hope for all of the alarms going off in our lives. I do know one thing: with God all things are possible! I know God can turn situations around, and get us back on track.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Prayers...for my son

I checked my e-mail last night before heading to bed...just to see if I had one from my son (S.) who is deployed to Iraq. No, I didn't have one, but I did have an e-mail from one of the officer's wives (B.) who has undertaken the task of keeping family informed. Once again, she had to be the bearer of tragic news that there was another fallen soldier from the 64th MP CO, and that another 2 soldiers had been injured. Tears came to my eyes for her family and friends, as well as the families of the other 2 young men. My prayers go to them during this difficult time. Difficult cannot really even explain what they are feeling right now, and will always feel. By the way, that's S. on the right with L. and M. as we all waited at the airport gate before he flew back to Iraq after his leave. He flew back on Thanksgiving Day.

I will only be relieved when my son, along with all the others of the 64th arrive home safely...the countdown said only 58 days away! I plan on going out to be there when they arrive...and to be there to give him a hug and kiss. I've become friends with the parents of one of his friends...they're from Chicago...they're going to be there, too! My prayers are for the continued protection of all these young men and women...Psalm 91 is best...those words from God have more power behind them than what my mind could even muster at times. I thank You, Lord, that S. and J. and everyone else is protected by Your angels, and that no evil shall befall them.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Christmas Mindset

This is my LAST year for a live Christmas Tree, even though L. wants one all the way through college graduation. My gosh! She's a high school senior...that's a long time for me to pretty much handle the whole tree thing all by myself. Still...I do love the smell of pine midst all the ornaments and lights. The LIGHTS...that's another whole issue in and of itself! G. and I LOVE the multi-colored lights on the tree...the kids only want white everybody else. So, to compromise the fact that artificial is on its way for next year, I told L. that we would put on white lights. "Ha!", she muttered..."you hate white lights. You're'll put up colored lights again." I do resent the whole lying accusation...seems like a big protest from someone who bails outs over hanging up all those tiny ornaments.

This is also a tough Christmas because S. is in Iraq until late January or early February. He made it home on leave so we could have an early Thanksgiving...that was so great, but watching him leave again was pure heartache! I finally got one of his Christmas packages ready and the APO-AE zip code was 1 number off...which meant that I couldn't get it mailed. It was mailed today...I'm believing the Lord will get it to him in time for Christmas. Me and L. are planning to head out to Ft. Hood when his company makes it back home...we're also hoping to see J.'s family from Chicago, too!....along with J. of course! This will probably be early February, 2006!

May your Christmas be peaceful...hopeful...even though things may be different...and thankful and blessed because of the family and friends you have with you right now. Keep praying for your loved ones in Iraq and across the miles (wherever they may be).See ya!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Who Am I?

Good golly Miss Molly! I never thought I would say this, but I do believe I'm hitting my "midlife crisis"! Getting older has never been a problem...and that's not really what the crisis is about. It's really about the place I am in my life right now. All the children are grown, with only one left in high school, and she's a senior. It's not about the "empty nest" syndrome, either. I have dreams and desires, and I've repeatedly put them on the back burner so I could be there for the kids, and to be supportive to my husband. Frankly, I would not change being on the back burner because I believe I was where I have needed to be for each of them. I didn't always know, neither do I always KNOW right now, excactly what to do in regard to each of the kids. I just know they are growing up, and I'm beginning a new chapter of my life!

I do know my husband is at the place where God wants him to be...pastoring a great church. I know I'm the pastor's wife...that's okay with me...but God has plans for me, too. Right now, and very honestly speaking, I'm having trouble really hearing what God wants me to do. Go figure!

I AM about to take an online writing course...I am excited about that! I've been out of college for a while now...I enjoy learning new things. Maybe this will be a starting point for me...I know I'm ready for some changes.