Monday, December 12, 2005

Prayers...for my son

I checked my e-mail last night before heading to bed...just to see if I had one from my son (S.) who is deployed to Iraq. No, I didn't have one, but I did have an e-mail from one of the officer's wives (B.) who has undertaken the task of keeping family informed. Once again, she had to be the bearer of tragic news that there was another fallen soldier from the 64th MP CO, and that another 2 soldiers had been injured. Tears came to my eyes for her family and friends, as well as the families of the other 2 young men. My prayers go to them during this difficult time. Difficult cannot really even explain what they are feeling right now, and will always feel. By the way, that's S. on the right with L. and M. as we all waited at the airport gate before he flew back to Iraq after his leave. He flew back on Thanksgiving Day.

I will only be relieved when my son, along with all the others of the 64th arrive home safely...the countdown said only 58 days away! I plan on going out to be there when they arrive...and to be there to give him a hug and kiss. I've become friends with the parents of one of his friends...they're from Chicago...they're going to be there, too! My prayers are for the continued protection of all these young men and women...Psalm 91 is best...those words from God have more power behind them than what my mind could even muster at times. I thank You, Lord, that S. and J. and everyone else is protected by Your angels, and that no evil shall befall them.


At 7:35 PM , Blogger dnash said...

Dear LF...I put my blog on hold when it seemed like life was becoming overwhelming. My son is now home from his second deployment, out of the Army but looking to stay in through the National Guard...hoping to become a medic. He is an inspiration as such a strong man of God...thank you for your words of encouragement that came straight from the Heart of God's Word. After so much time passing by before even looking at my blog, your comment was still as encouraging at this time as when it was written!


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